The Importance Of Doctrine
– June 1, 2013
“God has given us foundational teachings referred to as His doctrine. How important is it? Do we fully understand His doctrines?”
Pentecost PM - Growing Up
– May 19, 2013
“We are called the children of God, but it is His desire for us to grow to the stature and fullness of Jesus Christ. He wants us to grow up. This sermon addresses what spiritual maturity or growing up actually looks like.”
Pentecost AM - We Are Here To Choose Life
– May 19, 2013
“Why are we here on the Day of Pentecost. God has set before us life and death. He has given us his Holy Spirit so that we can choose life and make wise decisions.”
The Hardest Fruit - Self Control
– May 11, 2013
“In Galatians 5, we read the list of the fruits of spirit. Have you ever wondered if one of the fruits is tougher to achieve than another? This sermon addresses what some consider to be the toughest fruit – self-control.”
If You Had The Power of God
– May 4, 2013
“There are multiple examples of power in the world today. None of these examples of power are any match for the power of God. What would you do if you had the power of God?
Satan - Accuser Of The Brethren
– April 27, 2013
Servant Leadership
– April 20, 2013
The Prayer Of Jabez
– April 13, 2013
“Throughout the pages of the Bible, we find a number of examples of prayer. In I Chronicles 4 we find two verses that outline a prayer that has significant meaning for us today. This sermon looks at that prayer.”
The Faith Of Caleb
– April 1, 2013
“Twelve spies came back and gave their report of the Promised Land. Two gave a very positive report. One of those two, Caleb, demonstrated a faith that has clear implications for us as we exit the Days of Unleavened Bread on our way to our Promised Land....
Days of Unleavened Bread – Being a Spiritual Multi-tasker
– March 26, 2013
“In the run up to these days, we have removed leavening. However we must replace that leavening with something – the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. We must always stay unleavened during these seven days. This sermon discusses being a spiritual multi-tasker.”